Previous Category → Existence & Ideal | The Essence of Dharma | Master Within Classes : Section 1

<aside> 💡 Pillars of Existence 0**. Initiation 1. Jajan 2. Jaajan 3. Ishtabhriti 4. Swastayani
5. Sadachar

🔥 Panchabarhi & Saptarchee ******


Necessary Steps for Spiritual Evolution

The main obstacle in the path of self-transformation is selfish expectation. If we follow Him with expectations, then fulfillment of expectations becomes primary to us and the Ideal becomes secondary. So we are moulded according to the objective of our life.

So we should want him for his sake with unswerving adherence and love. To do the will of the Ideal, to fulfill his interest and to establish him should be the urge of our being. We may outwardly follow the Ideal, but if some other desire or passion dominates us, its frustration may make us forsake the Ideal. Anyway, hypocrisy cannot lead us to the goal. Again if the love is inactive or indolent, it will not touch our character. We shall have to practice such thoughts, words, deeds and habits as spontaneously flow from love. Ideal centric thoughts, words, deeds and habits are called Jajan, Jaajan, Istavrity and Sadaachar. We shall discuss at length on these subjects later on. But it is a message of great hope that whatever a man may be, if he observes Jajan, Jaajan, Istavrity and Sadachar regularly and ardently, adherence to Ideal grows in him gradually. It is an irrefutable scientific fact.

Adherence to Ideal

Adherence to Ideal means to tenaciously and firmly cling to the Ideal with unceasing active absorption. We shall have to be constantly engaged in contributing to his well-being, satisfaction and pleasure and in enhancing his interest and establishment, avoiding all other attractions and oppositions. This should possess us like a passion. There should be a grim determination that we will never deviate from the Ideal under any circumstance, whether it is weal or woe, good or bad, honour or dishonour, gain or loss, hope or fear, enticement or oppression, wealth or penury, disease, grief, chastisement and suffering or anything else. Then we shall be invincible in life. This adherence makes man valorous and powerful. Again, allegiance, active urge and pleasant painstakingness are inseparable from adherence. Allegiance means obedient move. Active urge means the urge to do. We normally want to please our beloved by doing things that are to his liking. The more we do, the more we feel like doing them. This sacred energy and enthusiasm gradually goes on growing. And this makes life agile ever youthful. The body, mind and brain are flooded with infinite energy. We may then work very hard or suffer much for the Ideal but this never causes any grievance in our mind, even if we do not get any appreciation or advantage from it. Rather, we consider ourselves blessed in having got the opportunity to suffer for him. One never likes to be deprived of this happiness. This self-complacence earned through sufferings is very lovely. Compared to this all other gain are insignificant. So adherence is such a rare object as removes a man’s feeling of want, pauperistic cravings, feeling of emptiness, and slavery born of expectations, and thus makes him independent, fulfilled to the brim and overflowing in divine joy.

<aside> 🦢 In order to concentrate our entire love on the Ideal, we have to practice every day some scientific processes. To learn these processes with all regardfulness is to be initiated. After initiation we have to observe these things daily with due adherence. This will develop our love for the Ideal from day to day. In a word, our character will be tinged according to his characteristics.


Passions, Complexes & their Adjustment

We have got some idea as to how spiritual practices make man vibrant with adherence and attachment to the Ideal. We shall now see how adjustment of passions becomes possible through it. Passion means lust, anger, greed, pride, infatuation and jealousy and their varied manifestations.

The Result of Absence of Passion

A man becomes inert if he has no passions. He cannot be called a man. At the most, he may be called a sub-man. His intelligence, feeling and efficiency become poor. He does not come to any use of society. His life-urge remains dormant. He can hardly do good or bad. So there is very little chance for the evolution of his life. Even when alive, he remains half-dead.

Consequences of Slavery to Passion

If a man becomes a slave to passions, if he has no control over passions, he becomes worse than an animal. There is no end to the mischief that he causes to himself and his environment. The main cause of the woes and sufferings of the world is slavery to passions.

It is impossible to enumerate adequately the ways in which passionate ness at every step leads to mistakes, conflicts, discords, disasters, sufferings etc., and thereby hastens the death of man. At the root of most of the disastrous events that have shaken the history of the world in the past and are now agitating individual and collective life, there lays the satanic play of passionateness. It does not allow man to be happy and normal; it is constantly harassing him by making him move madly under its obsession. At the same time it is bringing more and more decay, loss, weakness, mental anguish, ignorance, distortion and perversion. Human life is becoming unsuitable to human habitation. Different countries are now busy multiplying agents of destruction. So human society is shuddering under the fear of the world’s annihilation. Whatever reasons there may be behind it, in the ultimate analysis we shall find that man’s slavery to passions and the ignorance born of it are its root causes. So they are called six enemies. If they are not under control, they act like enemies.

Suppression of Passions

To get rid of the adverse actions of passions many try to repress or suppress them altogether. But the result of this is also dangerous. If we try to suppress passions in an unnatural way, this gives rise to physical and mental diseases, distortions and perversions, which make a man’s life complicated and inconsistent. He loses joy, energy and enthusiasm. He cannot adapt himself to the environment. Gradually he loses mental balance. Sleeplessness, depression, suicidal tendency, neurosis, brain disorder and many other distressing abnormal symptoms appear. Often intelligence, efficiency, will-power, mental strength and memory dwindle. Life becomes inert.

Adjustment of Passions

We see that passions are troublesome in all respects. But we cannot do without them. Now, what to do with them? Here comes in the necessity of attachment to the Ideal. If a man’s inherent original attachment or libido is set on the Ideal, then he does not yield to passionate cravings; on the other hand, he engages every passion in the service of the Ideal. Then he is not guided by the whims and impulses of passions, because they are not his guide. His guide is the Ideal. He moulds his passions according to the principles, likes and desires of the Ideal. Passionate move may have great attraction for him, but he overcomes it out of love for the Ideal. He does not like to do anything which hunts the feelings of the Ideal. Again, it may be very difficult for him to follow in the footsteps of the Ideal; still he embraces that difficulty smilingly. It is the Ideal that constitutes the whole of his life. His life is meaningless without the Ideal’s satisfaction, nurture, pleasure, interest and installation. Ideal is the key to his life. He is his very life-breath. He lives for him. The Ideal stands above all passions. So man unknowingly acquires mastery over passions by loving him.

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